IPA: bˈoʊd
- An omen; a foreshadowing.
- (obsolete or dialect) A bid; an offer.
- A herald; a messenger.
- A stop; a halting; delay.
- A surname.
- A male given name
- A city in Iowa
- A village in Nepal
- A river in Germany, a tributary to the Saale
- A small river and tributary to the Wipper
- (transitive, intransitive) To indicate by signs, as future events; to be an omen of; to portend or foretell.
- (intransitive, followed by "well", "ill", "no good", etc.) To betoken or augur something good or bad that will happen in the future.
Examples of "bode" in Sentences
- The dark clouds gathering on the horizon bode a stormy afternoon ahead
- The sudden drop in the stock market did not bode well for investors
- The eerie silence in the haunted house bode something sinister lurking within
- The teacher's stern expression did not bode any good news for the misbehaving students
- The increasing tensions between the two countries bode a potential conflict in the near future