IPA: bˈɔɪɫɝ
- A person who boils something.
- A steam boiler.
- An apparatus for heating circulating water or other heat transferring liquid.
- A device consisting of a heat source and a tank for storing hot water, typically for space heating, domestic hot water etc., disregarding the source of heat.
- A kitchen vessel for steaming, boiling or heating food.
- A sunken reef, especially a coral reef, on which the sea breaks heavily.
- A tough old chicken only suitable for cooking by boiling.
- (UK, Australia, slang, derogatory) An old woman.
- (rare, informal) Boilerplate.
- Short for Brompton boiler. [(UK, slang, obsolete, historical, mostly plural) Any of the buildings comprising the Kensington Museum and School of Art.]
Examples of "boiler" in Sentences
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