IPA: bˈʊkɝ
- One who makes a reservation.
- One who records transactions, such as reservations.
- (obsolete) A scholar; a scribe.
- A surname originating as an occupation for either a scribe or bookbinder, or a bleacher of cloth.
- A suburban area in West Wycombe parish, Buckinghamshire, England, previously in Wycombe district (OS SP8391).
- A town in Lipscomb County and Ochiltree County, Texas, United States.
Examples of "booker" in Sentences
- The Booker Prize is a prestigious literary award given annually to the best novel written in English
- As a lifelong booker, I always have a new book on my nightstand waiting to be read
- The librarian recommended a list of Booker Prize winners for me to check out
- My friend is a real booker and can read multiple books in one week
- I aspire to one day have my own novel nominated for the Booker Prize