IPA: bˈoʊdʌɫɝʌzˈeɪʃʌn
- The action or instance of bowdlerizing; the omission or removal of material considered vulgar or indecent.
Examples of "bowdlerization" in Sentences
- The bowdlerization of classic literature often leads to an oversimplified and distorted version of the original work
- Critics argue that bowdlerization of films can undermine the artistic integrity of the director's vision
- Some parents advocate for the bowdlerization of children's books to ensure that young readers are not exposed to inappropriate content
- History has shown that bowdlerization of texts can often reflect the prevailing moral beliefs and values of a particular society
- The debate over bowdlerization rages on, with proponents arguing for censorship in the name of decency and opponents advocating for the preservation of artistic freedom