IPA: brˈɑmɪn
- A member of the Hindu priestly caste, one of the four varnas or social groups based on occupation in ancient Hindu society.
- One who has realized or attempts to realize Brahman, i.e. God or supreme knowledge.
- A scholar, teacher, priest, intellectual, researcher, scientist, knowledge-seeker, or knowledge worker.
- (chiefly US, capitalized) A member of a social and cultural elite, especially in the New England region of the USA.
- A learned person of refined taste and mild manners.
- Alternative spelling of brahmin [A member of the Hindu priestly caste, one of the four varnas or social groups based on occupation in ancient Hindu society.]
- Alternative spelling of Brahman [A breed of beef cattle from India with a hump on the shoulder.]
- Scholarly.
Examples of "brahmin" in Sentences
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