IPA: brˈænt
- (Canada, US) Any of several wild geese, of the genus Branta, that breed in the Arctic, but especially the brent goose, Branta bernicla.
- A surname.
- A town in New York.
- An unincorporated community in Wisconsin.
- A municipality of Ontario, Canada.
- (dialectal) steep, precipitous.
- (Scotland) smooth; unwrinkled
Examples of "brant" in Sentences
- The brant geese flew in formation overhead, their honking filling the air
- The brant population has been steadily declining due to habitat destruction
- I spotted a lone brant swimming in the lake, its sleek black and white plumage standing out against the water
- During migration season, the skies are filled with the calls of brant as they make their way south
- The conservation efforts have been successful in increasing the brant population in the area