IPA: brˈaɪdʌɫ
- (equestrianism) The headgear with which a horse is directed and which carries a bit and reins.
- (figurative) A restraint; a curb; a check.
- A length of line or cable attached to two parts of something to spread the force of a pull, as the rigging on a kite for attaching line.
- A mooring hawser.
- A piece in the interior of a gunlock which holds in place the tumbler, sear, etc.
- A gesture expressing pride or vanity.
- (transitive) To put a bridle on.
- (transitive) To check, restrain, or control with, or as if with, a bridle; as in bridle your tongue.
- (intransitive) To show hostility or resentment.
- (intransitive) To hold up one's head proudly or affectedly.
Examples of "bridle" in Sentences
- Jenny twitched the bridle from the perspiring groom and minced up to the prisoner.
- There was a ribbon hanging under her chin which the old lady called a bridle, and when
- I ceased treating her too kindly - snubbing, and riding with a curb-bridle, is what she needs.
- The old saddles are tied on with twine; one side of the bridle is a worn-out strap and the other a rope.
- McLellan cavalry saddle, with a battered brass peak, and the bridle is a rotten leather strap on one side and a strand of rope on the other.
- As a jetski it's a big fail, but it would make a half way decent horse head if it was all brown and the bridle was a bit
- Yet I dare say the chorus of a musical comedy would not be awestruck -- would, indeed, 'bridle' -- if one unrolled to them their illustrious pedigree.
- At the next change a bridle was a thing unheard of, and when I suggested that the creature would open her mouth voluntarily if the bit were pressed close to her teeth, the standers-by mockingly said,
- The reins were secured by chain-work, and the front-stall of the bridle was a steel plate, with apertures for the eyes and nostrils, having in the midst a short, sharp pike, projecting from the forehead of the horse like the horn of the fabulous unicorn.