
IPA: brˈɪm


  • (obsolete) The sea; ocean; water; flood.
  • An edge or border (originally specifically of the sea or a body of water).
  • The topmost rim or lip of a container.
  • A projecting rim, especially of a hat.
  • A surname.


  • (intransitive) To be full to overflowing.
  • (transitive) To fill to the brim, upper edge, or top.
  • Of pigs: to be in heat, to rut.


  • (obsolete) Fierce; sharp; cold.

Examples of "brim" in Sentences

  • A hat with a brim is a must if you decide to take the plunge.
  • It’s quite a cute hat, and I learned a nice technique in the way the little brim is made.
  • The sweatband under my hat brim is soaking when I see the thatched roof of a little puesto.
  • In any World Cup, any stadium that is anything less than full to the brim is a bit sacrilegious to viewers like me who would give a pinkie to be there.
  • Ensure that the width of the lower brim is not too broad as this would direct most of the light just downwards onto the table and that the lower brim width will define the light distribution pattern.
  • No sword-grass grows about the margin; there are no blue water forget-me-nots, nor broad lily leaves; the grass at the brim is short and thick, and the weeping willows that droop over the edge grow picturesquely enough.

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