IPA: brˈʌgmʌnsˈiʌ
- A flowering plant of the genus Brugmansia, native to subtropical regions of South America.
Examples of "brugmansia" in Sentences
- A brugmansia in a container is a huge thing to deal with!
- I grew a yellow brugmansia like that for a couple of years.
- Glorious brugmansia photos, and I love the changing ehader display, too.
- I walked up their driveway with camera in hand to inquire after their health and ask to take some photos of the brugmansia.
- When Morris gets tired of wandering, he can come back to the front porch and rest under the beautiful blooms of a 'Miner's Claim' brugmansia.
- From Woody-stemmed tropicals, such as jasmine, brugmansia, tibouchina and bananas, should be brought indoors before the first frost.
- Such control is due to the fact that brugmansia shrubs tend to mutate spontaneously and rapidly and that these mutations can be easily propagated by sticking a piece of stem in moist earth.
- I, however, have chosen to concentrate my attentions upon a specific source of belladonna: the tree datura, specifically the subgenus brugmansia, because of its unique vegetative properties.
- I have stored them with the pelargoniums, the tender Viola hederacea, my salvias and the brugmansia and they will be fine in the low light levels if they are kept in a state of semi-dormancy.
- I added a 'Charles Grimaldi' brugmansia (angel's trumpet - it'll have huge drooping yellow-orange flowers later in the summer), 'Prince' pennisetum (should make dark swords to 5 '), and a few trailing lavender lantanas.