IPA: kˈæʃˈɛksiʌ
- (pathology) A systemic wasting of muscle tissue, with or without loss of fat mass, that accompanies a chronic disease.
Examples of "cachexia" in Sentences
- The syndrome called cachexia is responsible for between one-fifth and one-third of all cancer deaths.
- I know cigarettes cause cancer, but cancer causes cachexia, which is massive weight loss and appetite loss.
- Maxine Lee, 39, died of meningitis, but a wasting syndrome called "cachexia" contributed to the death, according to the death certificate.
- About half of all cancer patients eventually suffer serious weight loss and malnutrition, a wasting syndrome called cachexia where they don't just lose excess fat but vital muscle.
- Ostarine is believed to increase lean body mass and improve muscle strength and performance in post-menopausal women, elderly men and men and women with cancer cachexia, which is body wasting brought on by cancer.
- Muscle wasting - called cachexia - is thought to account for about 30 percent of deaths in patients with cancer, but how exactly cachexia is spurred by cancer - or indeed exactly how it leads to a patient's decline - isn't known.