
IPA: kˈæʃɪnnˈeɪʃʌn


  • Loud, convulsive laughter.

Examples of "cachinnation" in Sentences

  • It was Dame Alice indulging in a wild cachinnation on her hunting horn.
  • The stoker laughed truculently, and Billy ventured upon a faint echo of the jeering cachinnation.
  • There arose from behind some nearby bushes a shrill cachinnation and out waddled a gaggle of purposeful geese.
  • A good stomp from the two-clown-long-horn followed by an "Oooohooowee my aching bunions!" used to raise roaring cachinnation.
  • The hammer fell with a crash that re-echoed deafeningly and shivered off through the black jungle in a strangely altered cachinnation.
  • Just as his foot touched the deck the instrument gave forth its unholy cachinnation of "Ha! Ha! Ha!" in the high nasal tones peculiar to its kind.
  • The man began to laugh behind his moustaches, the which cachinnation was checked by an appealing look from the young lady; and he held out his hand and said,
  • But it is perfectly absurd and improbable, done in the manner in which it is represented -- not therefore to be blamed, but therefore to be commended with cachinnation while the world endures.
  • This is where you sit in a circle and go head-to-head in a singdown to see which parents know the most lyrics, which ones can fake their way through a song the best, and whose child can outdo all others in oscillating cachinnation
  • Meanwhile, the royal cachinnation was echoed out by a discordant and portentous laugh from behind the arras, like that of one who, little accustomed to give way to such emotions, feels himself at some particular impulse unable either to control or to modify his obstreperous mirth.

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