
IPA: kˈæɫʌmaɪn


  • Synonym of smithsonite, a pink form of zinc oxide (mainly zinc carbonate ZnCO₃) formed as a byproduct of zinc sublimation, now used in skin lotions.
  • (mineralogy) Synonym of hemimorphite, an orthorhombic-pyramidal mineral containing zinc.


  • (transitive) To coat or treat with calamine.

Examples of "calamine" in Sentences

  • For details of this see calamine brass.
  • Calamine commonly refers to calamine lotion.
  • Calamine is a historic name for an ore of zinc.
  • He isolated zinc in 1746 by heating calamine and carbon.
  • Flare ups can be treated with calamine lotion or lidocaine.
  • Calamine lotion has been shown to be effective for itching.
  • In mineralogy calamine is no longer considered a valid term.
  • Cadmea is also an ancient name for calamine or zinc carbonate.
  • The unincorporated community of Calamine is located in the town.
  • I can see she’s being bathed in calamine and baking soda there …
  • However, a decade later, the company obstructed the owners from mining calamine.
  • F.S. Beudant in 1832 restricted the name calamine to the hydrous silicate and proposed the name
  • · applying lotions such as calamine that are soothing and prevent the skin from becoming too dry
  • The real inflation story is here in the U.S. For us, China's inflation is the canary in the calamine.
  • Outside the tent, there is a "help yourself" first-aid station with bandages, antacid, witch hazel, calamine lotion and vitamins.
  • I got a terrible sunburn in Damascus once, and because I did not know the Arabic word for calamine, I treated my burn with a substance that I now believe was hummus.
  • The remaining part amounting to i* confifts of fomc impurities, which have been picked out or ivalhcd away, and of fome portion of the me - tallic parts of the calamine, which is inflamed jind driven off during calcination.
  • The only real way to deal with such ulcers is to wrap the affected area in what's known as Unna Boots -- gauze bandages soaked in either zinc oxide paste, or a blend of zinc oxide paste and calamine lotion; the later is what I have.
  • The name calamine (G.rman, _G.lmei_), from _lapis calaminaris_, a Latin corruption of cadmia ([G.eek: kadmia]), the old name for zinc ores in general (G. Agricola in 1546 derived it from the Latin _calamus_, a reed), was early used indiscriminately for the carbonate and the hydrous silicate of zinc, and even now both species are included by miners under the same term.

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