
IPA: kˈæɫʌbreɪt


  • To check or adjust by comparison with a standard.
  • To mark the scale of a measuring instrument.
  • To measure the caliber of a tube or gun.

Examples of "calibrate" in Sentences

  • Examine and "calibrate" each pole and then use them to measure wind speeds.
  • Is there a way to reliably and repeatedly "calibrate" and "zero" a chronograph?
  • It takes less thsn a minute to calibrate, which is faster than scaling and aligning a scanned image.
  • You hold still and you then kind of calibrate how much do I need to move my arms so they don't fly into the other guy.
  • Prentice said Ottawa has to "calibrate" with Washington "otherwise we will have discordant energy and environment policies."
  • As he reflected on his initial comment, saying the police 'acted stupidly,' he had a realization of a better way to 'calibrate' his vocabulary, step up and create a teachable moment of mass media proportion ...
  • After Iraq indisputably began deploying chemical weapons against Iranian forces in 1983, the U.S. secretly provided Iraq with intelligence, including satellite images, to "calibrate" its chemical weapons attacks against Iranian forces.
  • After Iraq indisputably began deploying chemical weapons against Iranian forces in 1983, the U.S. secretly provided Iraq with intelligence to "calibrate" its mustard gas attacks on Iranian troops, including satellite photos of Iranian targets.
  • We haven ` t felt it necessary to turn a lot of people into enemy combatants, as we have in this conflict, which is -- and I understand that after 9/11, there was a great desire to -- and I think right now, we should be -- kind of calibrate our responses because I think some of ...
  • It requires Novartis to clarify and systematize the criteria for evaluating employees, to train managers to evaluate employees fairly, and to "calibrate" evaluations to check that evaluators are applying performance criteria in a uniform manner -- in other words, making people accountable for implementing the changes.

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