IPA: kʌɫˈɪpsoʊ
- A style of Caribbean music that originated in Trinidad and Tobago during the early to the mid-19th century and spread to the rest of the Caribbean Antilles and Venezuela by the mid-20th century. Its rhythms can be traced back to West African Kaiso and the arrival of French planters and their slaves from the French Antilles in the 18th century.
- A bulbous bog orchid of the genus Calypso, Calypso bulbosa
- A light blue color.
- (Greek mythology) A sea nymph who entertained Odysseus on her island, Ogygia, for seven years.
- (astronomy) The eighth moon of Saturn.
- (astronomy) 53 Kalypso, a main belt asteroid; not to be confused with the Saturnian moon mentioned above.
- Alternative letter-case form of calypso [A style of Caribbean music that originated in Trinidad and Tobago during the early to the mid-19th century and spread to the rest of the Caribbean Antilles and Venezuela by the mid-20th century. Its rhythms can be traced back to West African Kaiso and the arrival of French planters and their slaves from the French Antilles in the 18th century.]
- (intransitive) To perform calypso.
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