
IPA: kˈændɪdɫi


  • in a candid manner; frankly

Examples of "candidly" in Sentences

  • The film portrays India candidly, which is what drew me in.
  • a hundred thousand for the college — I ask you, candidly, is he worth it?
  • “The reason we’re doing this, candidly, is we’re worried it’s going to pass,” Newsom said.
  • As an incumbent in the General Assembly, it is easy to become lazy and rely on the institutional money because, candidly, that is easier to raise.
  • Plenty of horrible, misguided policies have been 'candidly' and 'authentically' expressed/implemented by horrible would be and actual members of government.
  • One thing, however, tell me candidly, is it from love of justice, or is it for your happiness you combat thus ardently for the integrity of this young man? '
  • It seems like sage advice coming from the man who, as the game's title candidly suggests, is enduring the most preposterously perilous day in the history of all time.
  • I should like to think that I myself was to be the man to expound the fairy-kind candidly and methodically -- candidly, that is, without going to literature for my data, and with the notion definitely out of mind that the fairy
  • There is nothing more dangerous than that impulsive intimacy strangers sometimes adopt when an atmosphere of mutual sympathy takes them by surprise, for it is akin to the false frankness friends affect when telling "candidly" one another's faults.

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