
IPA: kæpsˈeɪsʌn


  • (organic chemistry) A chemical compound found in chilli peppers, which is responsible for their piquancy.

Examples of "capsaicin" in Sentences

  • Speaking of hot, the real heat comes from capsaicin, which is stored in the ribs of these chili peppers.
  • The product's active ingredient is a synthetic form of the agent that makes chili peppers hot, known as capsaicin.
  • Food scientists have said that hot peppers contain a substance called capsaicin that can actually cause your body to heat up.
  • If you actually take the active ingredient known as capsaicin and put them in a body cream, you could actually ward off arthritis.
  • One is called the capsaicin receptor, after the stinging substance in red peppers, because it is triggered both by hot air and hot spices.
  • We finally verified the quality of this approach by studying the effects of a pharmacological and a physical agent, namely capsaicin and warmth, respectively.
  • Well, what happens is that that even when - in experimental models, when they give this capsaicin, which is the active ingredient, chronically, you do become desensitized to it, eventually.

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