
IPA: kʌpibˈɑrʌ


  • A semi-aquatic South American rodent, Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris, the largest living rodent.

Examples of "capybara" in Sentences

  • The capybara is a large edible South American rodent.
  • Related to the guinea pig, the capybara is the largest species of rodent.
  • The capybara is a game animal only in the sense that a hare or rabbit is.
  • * Is it more important that a capybara is a rodent, or that it is a mammal?
  • Rodents make up 1/4 of all mammal species and the capybara is the largest member of this group.
  • The animal was identified as a capybara, which is the world's largest rodent, and it feeds on vegetation.
  • Herbert recognized in this animal the capybara, that is to say, one of the largest members of the rodent order.
  • Because of its size, tasty meat, valuable leather, and rapid reproduction, the capybara is a candidate for both ranching and intensive husbandry throughout the hot and humid lowland tropical regions of Latin America.

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