
IPA: kˈɛrʌvænzɝˈaɪ


  • (chiefly historical) A roadside inn, usually having a central courtyard where caravans (see sense 3) can rest, providing accommodation for travellers along trade routes in Asia and North Africa.
  • (by extension) A place resembling a caravanserai (sense 1) as being a place for resting temporarily, or a meeting place (especially one that is busy, or where people of different cultures encounter each other).
  • (by extension) Synonym of caravan (“a convoy of travellers, their cargo and vehicles, and pack animals”)
  • (by extension, archaic) A hostelry, an inn; also (humorous), an (upscale) hotel.

Examples of "caravanserai" in Sentences

  • At the caravanserai is a traveller who says he hails from the Pishin
  • An inn of the Oriental pattern, often called caravanserai in books of travel.
  • (Jer 42: 1-22). habitation to Chimham -- his "caravanserai" close by Beth-lehem.
  • Here we were to stay the night at a kind of caravanserai, set apart for emigrants.
  • The gardens to the north-east contain a caravanserai, which is fairly well kept and comfortable.
  • a caravanserai is a picture of the world; men come in and go out of it, and no account is taken of them.
  • I am inspired this week to praise the "caravanserai" because it is where we all met in the age before steamships and aircraft.
  • [FN#453] In northern Africa the "Dár al-Ziyáfah" was a kind of caravanserai in which travellers were lodged at government expense.
  • The caravanserai is a big, commodious affair, a quadrangular structure of brick surrounding fully an acre of ground, and with a small open space outside.
  • There were some 300 habitations in Agdah, the principal one with a large quadrangular tower, being that of the Governor; but both the Chappar khana and the caravanserai were the filthiest we had so far encountered.

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