IPA: kɑrsˈɪnʌdʒʌn
- A substance or agent that can cause cancer.
Examples of "carcinogen" in Sentences
- Hydrocarbons such as benzene, a carcinogen, is a problem with gasoline.
- The carcinogen is often released by petrochemical plants and rubber and plastics manufacturers.
- According to Prop. 65, a chemical must be listed if it is formally identified as a carcinogen or reproductive toxicant by an authoritative scientific body.
- The term carcinogen refers to any substance, radionuclide or radiation that is an agent directly involved in the promotion of cancer or in the ... en.
- * disclaimer: depending on your use of the term carcinogen and how far you want to take it then yes, all air is carcinogenic and pretty much every item you come in contact with is carcinogenic as well.