
IPA: kˈɛriʌs


  • Having caries (bone or tooth decay); decayed, rotten.

Examples of "carious" in Sentences

  • If you were wondering, I did end up trying carious combinations of the 3.
  • Adult males at Hardin Village had an average of 6.74 carious teeth per mouth, while at Indian Knoll the corresponding frequency was 0.73 per mouth.
  • Incarcerated with carious themes such as romance, friendship, etc some pictures were simple while others were very abstract and hard to understand.
  • In the early 1960's, the reports that people were turning into the carious children's services were more along the neglect category than any other.
  • They also tended to die without losing many teeth carious and lost tooth rate was approx 2% in Viking areas, compared to about 10% in France over a lifetime, and note that in France the lifetime was half aslong.
  • They also tended to die without losing many teeth (carious and lost tooth rate was approx 2% in Viking areas, compared to about 10% in France over a lifetime, and note that in France the lifetime was half aslong).
  • While worries are likely to persist over the pre carious Egyptian situation, investors at some point will return their focus to the brightening U.S. economic outlook, said Brett Hammond , chief investment strategist at TIAA-CREF.
  • In some cases the upper part of the bone is laid bare, and in others the flesh dies all around; and, from a sore of long standing, certain of the bones become carious, and some not, some more, and some less; and in some the small, and in others the large bones.
  • But if in their case the bones do not sphacelate (become carious?) and if they do not become bent above the hip-joint, if nothing of this kind happen to them, they become otherwise sufficiently healthy, but the growth of all the rest of the body, with the exception of the head, is arrested.
  • In addition, these mangrove forests shelter a large number of species in certain groups such as 42 species of birds, including Pelecanus occidentalis, Columbina sp., and Fregata magnificens; carious mammals such as crab-eating raccoon (Procyon cancrivorus), mantled howler monkey (Alouatta palliata), white-faced capuchin (Cebus capucinus), and jaguar (Panthera onca), and reptiles like Iguana iguana.

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