
IPA: kɑrvʌn


  • Made by carving, especially when intricately or artistically done.

Examples of "carven" in Sentences

  • Do you know what the Cup of the Ptolemies was carven out of?
  • Radiant with beauty, the Cup of the Ptolemies was carven of onyx.
  • I looked upon these carven images with contempt, and spat as I looked.
  • I have been an Aryan master in old Egypt, when my soldiers scrawled obscenities on the carven tombs of kings dead and gone and forgotten aforetime.
  • Fifteen minutes of silence passed, the blind man as if carven of stone, the dog, trembling with eagerness under the articulate touch of his fingers, obeying the bidding to make no sound.
  • Beauty and light glowed from classic mantel and carven cornice and walls grotesquely figured, while a sleek black cat rose yawning from hearthside sleep that his master's start and shriek had disturbed.
  • He fondled the impression of her as of silverspun wire, of fine leather, of twisted hair-sennit from the heads of maidens such as the Marquesans make, of carven pearl-shell for the lure of the bonita, and of barbed ivory at the heads of sea-spears such as the Eskimos throw.
  • We are sailing due westward and the sun, yet two hours high, is blazoning a fiery glory on the sea that spreads and gleams like some broad, jeweled trail, to where the blue and distant shadow-land lifts its carven front aloft, leaving, as it gropes, shades of shadows beyond.
  • Not until the stallion, sinking, emerged again by means of the powerful beat of his legs and hoofs, did Graham realize that it was a woman who rode him — ­a woman as white as the white silken slip of a bathing suit that molded to her form like a marble-carven veiling of drapery.

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