IPA: kˈæsɝoʊɫ
- (countable) A dish of glass or earthenware, with a lid, in which food is baked and sometimes served.
- Food, such as a stew, cooked in such a dish.
- (by extension) Food that fills the high-walled dish or pan that it was cooked in.
- (transitive) To cook like, or as, a casserole; to stew.
Examples of "casserole" in Sentences
- My mom always makes her famous green bean casserole for Thanksgiving dinner
- I love to make a cheesy potato casserole when I have friends over for dinner
- The chicken casserole turned out perfectly in the oven tonight
- I'm thinking about trying a new recipe for a Mexican-inspired casserole next week
- Leftover casserole is even better the next day for lunch