IPA: sˈɛntrɪfjugʌɫ
- A rotating machine used to separate massecuite into sugar crystals and molasses.
- Tending, or causing, to recede from the center.
- (botany) Expanding first at the summit, and later at the base, as a flower cluster.
- (botany) Having the radicle turned toward the sides of the fruit, as some embryos.
Examples of "centrifugal" in Sentences
- The centrifugal force pulled the water droplets away from the center of the spinning bucket
- The centrifugal pump helped to move the liquid from one container to another with great force
- As the car accelerated around the curve, the centrifugal force pushed the passengers towards the outside of the turn
- The centrifugal governor controlled the speed of the engine by adjusting the flow of fuel
- The centrifugal separator efficiently separated the mixture into its individual components by using the force of rotation