IPA: sɛntrˈɪfjɪgˈeɪʃʌn
- The process in which mixtures are separated using the centripetal force generated by spinning in a centrifuge.
Examples of "centrifugation" in Sentences
- “Was the RNA degraded in the centrifugation step?”
- I'm in the midst of a 3.5 hour centrifugation, so I figured I might as well do follow up on her tag.
- Motile sperm were isolated by Percoll centrifugation, the total RNA extracted and verified using sperm-specific RT-PCR.
- Alcohol (isopropanol) precipitation concentrates the eluted plasmid DNA, which is collected by centrifugation, washed, and redissolved in buffer.
- The bacterial culture is concentrated by centrifugation and disrupted by lysis with an alkaline detergent solution containing enzymes to degrade contaminating RNA.
- For many years, the method of choice for supercoiled plasmid and virus DNA purification was cesium chloride density gradient centrifugation in the presence of an intercalation agent (such as ethidium bromide or propidium iodide).
- Recently, simplified ion-exchange column chromatography methods (commonly termed a mini-prep) have largely supplanted the cumbersome and time-consuming centrifugation protocol to yield large quantities of endotoxin-free plasmid DNA in a relatively short period of time.