
IPA: sˈɝtʌnɫi


  • In a way which is certain; with certainty.
  • Without doubt, surely.
  • An emphatic affirmative answer; of course.

Examples of "certainly" in Sentences

  • Ironically, while the title certainly titillates, it's hardly radical.
  • The R rating should certainly mean there is a lot more to follow that they can't show us in the trailer..certainly should make it a lot edgier.
  • 'We certainly intend,' -- the emphasis here is on the word '_certainly_,' though the reader who has not the key of the times may not perceive it; 'We certainly intend to comprehend them ALL.'
  • The scientific issues were what initially brought me to this debate, but the religious implications are certainly right there in your face as well...and, both subjects are *certainly* interesting.
  • And while that might be debatable, the phrase certainly applies to Robert Redford, erstwhile Mr 1970s Box Office and former bedroom poster idol of a generation, now an irredeemably boring director.
  • “You are certainly quite right about it, ” Porfiry began gaily, looking with extraordinary simplicity at Raskolnikov (which startled him and instantly put him on his guard) “certainly quite right in laughing so wittily at our legal forms, he-he!
  • The C of the title certainly stands for Carrefax, but also for cyanide, Sophie's poison of choice; cysteine, the amino acid that darkens the spa waters; his father's coils of copper wire; the caul Serge was born under; the air corps where he first snorts cocaine; Morse code; and even the cc of Serge's carbon-copied reports.
  • Getting back to why I say Ma * lied* to the public, listen to what Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao (溫家寶) says about an ECFA: --- Promoting the signing of a cross-Strait [sic] ECFA will certainly bring about complete unification of the motherland [sic] --- It will * most certainly* affect Taiwan's sovereignty, and I believe that Mr. Ma knows this very well.

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