IPA: tʃˈɪrfʌɫi
- In a cheerful manner.
Examples of "cheerfully" in Sentences
- “Good morning!” he called cheerfully from the door.
- “Good morning, sleeping beauty,” he called cheerfully.
- “Emma!” she called cheerfully as she swung into the foyer.
- “Good afternoon, my lord!” she called cheerfully when he reached the road.
- "Bon-jour," she called cheerfully, equally determined, that discord not originate with her.
- In the sentence “The Joker cheerfully executed his hapless minion,” cheerfully is an adverb because it modifies a verb (executed).
- "Admiral 's I sum-sit-up," collector of road-taxes, a title cheerfully accorded him through the genial courtesy of the Basin, came down from the Point.
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