IPA: kˈɛmʌstri
- (uncountable) The branch of natural science that deals with the composition and constitution of substances and the changes that they undergo as a consequence of alterations in the constitution of their molecules.
- (countable) An application of chemical theory and method to a particular substance.
- The chemical properties and reactions of a particular organism, environment etc.
- (informal) The mutual attraction between two people; rapport.
Examples of "chemistry" in Sentences
- So the obvious way to fill gaps in chemistry is with more chemistry.
- Changing our brain chemistry is seen as “freeing” the true self from the alien.
- Then Second Life content that enables collaboration, especially in chemistry, is detailed.
- The percentage of females achieving higher degrees in chemistry is smaller than at first degree but it is increasing.
- The most used spectroscopic method in chemistry is undoubtedly NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance), and Richard R. Ernst at
- _organic chemistry_ as it is usually called, must be deferred until the student has gained some knowledge of the chemistry of other elements.
- PS Due to some folks implying that I am a medical doctor, I want to make it crystal clear that I am a PhD and expressly not an MD (I have an earned PhD in chemistry from a Scottish University).
- After receiving a bachelor's degree in chemistry from the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard, Shatz spent two years on a Marshall Scholarship at University College London learning about biology.