IPA: tʃˈu
- The act of chewing; mastication with the mouth.
- Level of chewiness.
- A small sweet, such as a taffy, that is eaten by chewing.
- (informal, uncountable) Chewing tobacco.
- (countable) A plug or wad of chewing tobacco; chaw or a chaw.
- (uncountable, informal) The condition of something being torn or ground up mechanically.
- A surname.
- A river in Somerset, England
- To crush with the teeth by repeated closing and opening of the jaws; done to food to soften it and break it down by the action of saliva before it is swallowed.
- To grind, tear, or otherwise degrade or demolish something with teeth or as with teeth.
- (informal) To think about something; to ponder; to chew over.
Examples of "chew" in Sentences
- Dr Ralph, You might try giving that dog a pigskin chew once a day.
- Here the farmer chuckled and cut himself a chew from a plug of tobacco.
- I’m going to have to let my right brain chew on this a while. hope101´s last blog ..
- The worry that consumers may bite off more than they can safely chew is a serious one.
- Sounds like the rod had a week spot, grmlin chew, door slam, window rowed up, stepped on.
- Your favourite thing to chew is whatever half-empty Diet Coke bottle you can find, and you’d love it if we’d let you drink the stuff.
- It’s decadent and has a great flavor profile, not to mention that the stick caramel filling has a nice chew from the coconut and crunch from the pecans.