IPA: tʃˈuʌbʌɫ
- Anything that is chewable; anything that is able to be chewed.
- A medicine supplied in a form that can be chewed.
- Capable of being chewed.
- Chewy.
- (finance, of a poison pill) Allowing for a particular type of bid that does not trigger the flip-in.
Examples of "chewable" in Sentences
- The other thing that is hard to find is chewable vitamin C. esperanza
- In Europe kids are treated for another "adult disease" and given chewable Liptitor, to lower their cholesterol.
- On the standout "Calamity Song" you get "In an age of the chewable Ambien tab/all that remains is in the arms of an angel."
- Bennett furhter explained that occasional racism is like occasional indigestion and can be addressed in chewable tablet form.
- Singulair is heavily marketed to kids for allergies, in addition to asthma, and even comes in a cherry-flavored chewable formulation.
- Children's multivitamins account for a large number of childhood poisonings because the vitamins are designed to attract children, are usually chewable and taste like candy.
- But regardless - every morning after I drink, it's a tall glass of water, a milk thistle capsule, and a chewable vitamin and that seems to do the trick. kelmc623 freakshowtime