IPA: tʃˈɪkɝi
- (countable) Either of two plants of the Asteraceae family.
- (chiefly Britain) The common chicory (Cichorium intybus), the source of Belgian endive, radicchio, and sugarloaf.
- (chiefly Canada, US) The endive (Cichorium endivia), the source of escarole and frisée.
- (uncountable, cooking) A coffee substitute made from the roasted roots of the common chicory, sometimes used as a cheap adulterant in real coffee.
Examples of "chicory" in Sentences
- Coffee is frequently adulterated with chicory, which is harmless.
- The chicory is a special red stemmed one that I am in love with - mild enough for salads.
- Then at the same time you had into New York from San Juan, they came on the so-called chicory flights.
- They're extracting fiber from corn, seaweed and roots of herbs such as chicory or using bacteria to synthesize fibers.
- You might call radicchio (rah-DEE-kee-o) 'chicory' and in appearance and texture, it's easy to mistake radicchio for red cabbage, especially once it's chopped up in a salad.
- "These are really interesting results as they demonstrate that gastro-intestinal acceptability of dietary fibres such as chicory fructans is not as limitating as it has been described previously," she added.