IPA: tʃˈiftʌn
- A leader of a clan or tribe.
- (by extension) A leader of a group.
Examples of "chieftain" in Sentences
- The rebel-chieftain is let go with the honors of war.
- A chieftain must be rooted in the clan, for the chieftain is the clan.
- It seems that there was a certain Irish chieftain named Dichu who was told that a strange ship had just landed.
- Philosophique, &c., tom.i. p. 457.] 80 This Gothic chieftain is called by Jornandes and Isidore, Athaulphus; by Zosimus and
- Whenever a chieftain was assigned, an item authenticating his rank (xinwu) was given to him by the court, symbolizing the establishment of the relationship.
- During these various operations – for the whole family seemed eager to show their hospitality – the old man discovered, not so much by the costliness of his garments as by the noble mien and gentle manners of the stranger, that he was some chieftain from the castle.