IPA: tʃˈɪɫi
- (countable) The pungent, spicy fresh or dried fruit of any of several cultivated varieties of capsicum peppers, used in cooking.
- (uncountable) Powdered chili pepper, used as a spice or flavouring in cooking.
- (Indian Chinese cuisine) A spicy stew of chicken or paneer, capsicum and onion, eaten as an appetizer.
- (chiefly US) A dish made with chili peppers and other ingredients, such as beans and beef.
- (Cincinnati) Cincinnati chili.
- A town in New York, United States.
- (obsolete or historical) Alternative form of Chile [A country in South America. Official name: Republic of Chile. Capital and largest city: Santiago.]
Examples of "chili" in Sentences
- Putting beans in chili is a major faux pas in Texas.
- People often ask if my chili is authentic Texas chili.
- The dan dan noodles, and wontons in chili oil are excellent
- If you put beans in chili in Texas and call it chili, they’ll hang you.
- Meaty bites plus black bean/soy protein chili over rice are a winning combo and worthy repeat meal.
- This chili is adapted from the Smithsonian Cookbook of Native American foods and recipes, Foods of the Americas, which I have out from the library at the moment.
- At Deer Valley Resort, the Royal Street Cafe at the Silver Lake Lodge offers an array of appetizers for $6-$16; a bowl of the resort's signature turkey chili is $8.50.
- If I were on death row my last meal would be a whole Chinese barbecue duck with green onion pancakes, Chinese broccoli (gai lan), ginger-steamed rice and hoisin chili sauce.
- In fact, most of the time my chili is all beans and no meat (although I do enjoy the meat kind), because I only buy free range beef and that too expensive for my everyday budget.