
IPA: tʃˈɪɫiˈæstɪk


  • Pertaining to the religious doctrine of a thousand-year period of peace and prosperity.

Examples of "chiliastic" in Sentences

  • As for the chiliastic view, I just find it frightening.
  • Thankyou for chiliastic, that was a new one for me, had to look it up.
  • Ms. Delaney shares Mr. Cliff's interest in chiliastic myths but has no talent for spotting them.
  • This brought about by a Republican President with a chiliastic world view aided by the Neocon Manicheanism.
  • Speaking of the chiliastic, when Israel made that last foolish foray into Lebanon there were postings all over the strange sites connected to this sort of stuff.
  • As for its successor, the ultramontane Sunni Hamas, and its even more chiliastic Shia half-ally in Lebanon, Hezbollah, they do not want any accommodation or compromise, and they do not pretend to.
  • Anyone who has read Neiwert's Eliminationists cannot help but be struck by the similarities between the teachings of the far Right, and the equally violent, chiliastic teachings of violent Islamist jihad.
  • All brought about by a strange claim to be a "Faith Based" Administration, the Republican version of Theocracy, where the Lord gives th OK to visit "shock and awe" on the land of Iraq and POTUS holds a chiliastic view of the world.
  • However the fact that the current Republican POTUS and a would be Republican VPOTUS do hold this chiliastic outlook on life concerns me as much as the possible election of Democratic POTUS seems to concern you and many others who post here.
  • Many of the aphorisms having to do with the Fall, suffering and redemption show a progressivist chiliastic or even quasi-Hegelian structure culminating in some aspect of the coincidentia oppositorum, the final freedom promised by man's release from the prison of the principle of contradiction.

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