IPA: tʃɪpˈoʊtɫeɪ
- A ripe jalapeño pepper, dried and smoked for use in cooking.
Examples of "chipotle" in Sentences
- I agree, however, one dried chipotle is good in beans.
- A chipotle is a dried jalapeño with a wonderful, smokey flavor.
- I suppose a few of their regulars might call it chipotle ketchup.
- Eleven salmon steaks, slathered in chipotle sauce, sizzled over the fire that night.
- Smoky flavor + heat: 1 dried chipotle chili (1 canned chili in chipotle sauce) + 1 tbsp olive oil to form an emulsion
- Had we all had drinks in our hands the waiter would have been soaked by spillage. and the word chipotle is getting on my nerves.
- While staying at Alamos 'beautiful Hacienda de los Santos, I taught a cooking course which included this version of filet mignon in chipotle sauce.