IPA: kaɪroʊprˈæktɪk
- (alternative medicine) A system of health care involving manipulation of the spinal column and other body structures, for the purpose of alleviating neuromusculoskeletal dysfunction.
- Relating to chiropractics.
Examples of "chiropractic" in Sentences
- I’ll call it chiropractic editing because it involves adjusting the bones of the story.
- Granholm recognized the health benefits of long term chiropractic care despite many doctors who dispute its effectiveness.
- The term chiropractic itself comes from the Greek words cheir (hand) and praxis (action) to describe treatment done by hand or hands-on treatment.
- "There's research from NYU that shows that your immune system will work between 200 to 400 percent stronger with long term chiropractic care," he said.
- In the olden days, a chiropractic problem was described as a “bone out of place,” but now we refer to a chiropractic problem more specifically as a subluxation.
- One of the best ways chiropractors can follow news on all sources of media mentioning the term chiropractic, is to subscribe to the Google News alerts for terms of interest (
- The threatened resignations ... reflect a belief among many in the medical establishment that chiropractic is a "pseudo-science" that leads to unnecessary and sometimes harmful treatments ...
- Even though there are over 60,000 chiropractors practicing in the US today, and colleges all over the country offer chiropractic certification, we still see some common misconceptions when the term chiropractic is mentioned.
- You may recall that a nervous, red-eyed, nitwit ran me off the road a long while back and broke my car's transmission, putting me into some long term chiropractic care with a cute yet deliciously pervy doctor ... and then the insurance company, Assco, refused to fix my car and tried to give me 700 bucks for the whole fiasco.