IPA: ʃˈɪvʌɫri
- (now rare, historical) Cavalry; horsemen armed for battle.
- (obsolete) The fact or condition of being a knight; knightly skill, prowess.
- The ethical code of the knight prevalent in Medieval Europe, having such primary virtues as mercy towards the poor and oppressed, humility, honour, sacrifice, fear of God, faithfulness, courage and courtesy to ladies.
- Courtesy, respect and honourable conduct between opponents in wartime.
- Courteous behaviour, especially that of men towards women.
- (UK, law, historical) A tenure of lands by knightly service.
Examples of "chivalry" in Sentences
- Who says chivalry is dead!!?? agree with robinhood.
- Ken you might be my exclusive proof that chivalry is not dead, you RULE!
- It was also a vehicle for that element which we call chivalry, which the church infused into it to fashion and mould the rude soldiers of feudal times into Christian knights, and, as it
- Anyway, on the topic of gender (since you brought it up), I'm not being chauvinistic or anything (although technically chivalry is chauvinistic, and most women seem to love it), but I think it's telling that there has never been a female in the Navy SEALS.
- This people — I mean the more lofty-minded of these crusaders, who act up to the pretences of the doctrines which they call chivalry — despise the thirst of gold, and gold itself, unless to hilt their swords, or to furnish forth some necessary expenses, as alike useless and contemptible.
- This people -- I mean the more lofty-minded of these crusaders, who act up to the pretences of the doctrines which they call chivalry -- despise the thirst of gold, and gold itself, unless to hilt their swords, or to furnish forth some necessary expenses, as alike useless and contemptible.