IPA: kɫˈoʊˈæzmʌ
- (medicine) melasma; a cutaneous condition with yellow or yellowish-brown pigmented spots
Examples of "chloasma" in Sentences
- Skin changes: linea nigra, mask of pregnancy chloasma
- • Skin changes: linea nigra, mask of pregnancy chloasma
- #What cases of chloasma are included in the idiopathic group?
- #What cases of chloasma are included in the symptomatic group?
- #Into what two general classes may the various examples of chloasma be grouped?
- These patches are known popularly as liver spots or in medical language as _chloasma_.
- This “mask of pregnancy” called chloasma usually disappears within a few weeks after your baby’s birth.
- Lentigo consists simply of a circumscribed deposit of pigment granules -- merely a localized increase of the normal pigment, differing from chloasma (_q.v. _) only in the size and shape of the pigmentation.
- When upon exposed parts, stimulation of the patches, with the view of producing hyperæmia and consequent pigment deposit; conjoined with suitable applications to the surrounding pigmented skin, with a view to lessen the coloration (see _treatment of chloasma_), will be of aid in rendering the disease less conspicuous.