IPA: kɔriˈɑnɪk
- Of or pertaining to the chorion.
Examples of "chorionic" in Sentences
- They consist of things like amniocentesis, something known as chorionic villus sampling.
- The cell sample is taken from the placenta using a pre-natal biopsy called chorionic villus sampling (CVS).
- Whether or not to have amniocentesis—or a related test called chorionic villus sampling—is a difficult decision for many expectant parents.
- Historically, obstetricians recommended that pregnant women age 35 or older get an amnio (or a related procedure, called chorionic villus sampling).
- This change of position is regulated by the male sex hormone testosterone, the secretion of which is stimulated by the hormone called chorionic gonadotropin exuded by the placenta.
- The test is uncomfortable and carries a small risk of miscarriage, as does another invasive test for genetic disorders called chorionic villus sampling, or CVS, that samples tissue from the placenta.
- Dr. Verlinsky helped pioneer in the U.S. a prenatal diagnosis technique known as chorionic villus sampling, which screens fetuses for genetic and chromosomal disorders at 10 weeks, at least six weeks earlier than the test known as amniocentesis.
- The two chemical hormones commonly measured to provide information on the pregnancy status of miniature mares are pregnant mare serum gonadotrophin (PMSG), which is frequently now called chorionic gonadotrophin (eCG), and oestrone sulphate (see main story for more information).
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