IPA: tʃˈɔrtʌɫ
- A joyful, somewhat muffled laugh, rather like a snorting chuckle.
- A similar sounding vocalisation of various birds.
- (intransitive) To laugh with a chortle or chortles.
Examples of "chortle" in Sentences
- He had to say "chortle" at the end to signify that that was a joke.
- Kind of hard for a critic to say much beyond a chortle of self-recognition
- Dan Colen responds at disjointed length in comments, Dan is seriously hung up on the word "chortle".
- I love that crazy guy who is sometimes on the bus who has a laugh that actually might fit the word "chortle".
- When I indicate a "chortle", I am indeed chortling ... living proof of this has been captured on video, at the link above.
- But it seems a bit of a stretch for Prime Minister José Sócrates, a candidate for re-election on June 5, to chortle that the bailout is "a big success."
- Although manteau = cloak and portmanteau = carry + cloak, "portmanteau word" was a coinage by Lewis Carroll, to refer to words like "chortle" chuckle + snort and so called because it resembled the Gladstone bag style of portmanteau, which has two equal compartments that fasten together in the middle.