IPA: krˈoʊmʌ
- The colorfulness relative to the brightness of a similarly illuminated area
- The aspect of a colour's hue that depends on the amount of white or black in it; saturation
- (music) A note in a chromatic scale
Examples of "chroma" in Sentences
- The term chromatic derives from the Greek word chroma, meaning color.
- Vicki, are you sure Pinnacle 10 doesn't have green screen aka chroma key?
- You've defined the word chroma as both the "absence of white" and "the intensity of distinctive hues".
- Maybe worth mentioning that Casey uses intensity when other people might say "chroma" - the strength of a colour
- Many color wheels include the dimension of grayness versus intensity, known as chroma, also commonly called saturation.
- To put it another way, perceived "purity" of a colour is not determined by its saturation but by its chroma, which is saturation times lightness.
- The name chromium was derived from the Greek word chroma which means color, in reference to the fact that chromium is known to cause a number of colors in a variety of materials.
- Windows Movie Maker (which comes free with Windows) is a good entry-level program that I use for the students in eigth grade, but to be able to greenscreen (called chroma key) and insert royalty free music, this tool is GREAT.
- Yet one writer says, “This yellow shades into green,” which is certainly a change of hue, and then speaks of “a brighter shade” in spite of his evident intention to suggest a stronger chroma, which is neither a shade nor brighter luminosity.