IPA: krɑnʌskoʊp
- A highly accurate timekeeping device, an extremely precise chronometer.
- (science fiction) A device able to directly view other times, past or future.
Examples of "chronoscope" in Sentences
- "You said you didn't tab me on the chronoscope, Araman."
- I had envisioned a chronoscope used for research purposes.
- Uniformly, as I have shown you, they did not make use of the chronoscope.
- "He'd used a device he called a chronoscope to search the history of Earth.
- You saw the way my wife reacted to the news of a chronoscope in the basement.
- Now what do you suppose would happen if we let news of a home chronoscope get out?
- If the chronoscope becomes the terror of a few politicians, it's a price that must be paid.
- The original invention of the chronoscope was by Sterbinski-you see, I know that much - and it was well publicized.
- Consequently, logically, his invention had to be referred to as a chronoscope if the exact name was to be reliable (from Greek skopein = to see, in contrast to Greek graphein = to write).
- The story was about a machine called the chronoscope, which had the power to view the past anywhere in the world, and the efforts of three scientists to wrest the device from strict research limits set by the government.