IPA: krˈɪsʌɫɪs
- The pupa of a butterfly or moth, enclosed inside a cocoon, in which metamorphosis takes place.
- The cocoon itself.
- (figurative) A limiting environment or situation.
- (astronomy) A former moon in Saturn, Solar System. A hypothetical former moon of Saturn, whose gravitational influence is proposed as the source of Saturn's inclination and near-resonance with Uranus, and whose destruction by gravitational disruption is proposed as the source of Saturn's rings.
- To form a chrysalis.
- To metamorphize; to transform.
Examples of "chrysalis" in Sentences
- We also never hear the word chrysalis without thinking of Miss Waterman.
- The chrysalis is what the silkworm becomes when it finishes spinning its cocoon.
- Moth caterpillars spin a cocoon while butterfly larvae form a leathery shell called a chrysalis.
- "The metaphor for 'chrysalis' as a bass fiddle with no strings and a small pistol" is so profoundly smart, and on the mark!
- In the nymphalid butterflies, the pupa is often called a 'chrysalis' on account of the golden hue displayed by the cuticle, and the term
- As soon as it is grown big enough and fat enough, the grub hangs itself up as a "chrysalis" which is a Greek word that may be freely rendered into "golden jewel."
- Equipped with a fiscally responsible and well-paid wife I did actually give up a perfectly good day job to ‘become a writer’ as if some kind of chrysalis was involved.
- A moth just issuing from his chrysalis is the only being which seems to have felt his soporific influence; whereas the other god I have mentioned may vaunt the glory of subduing the most formidable of animals.
- For insects produce a scolex first; the scolex after developing becomes egg-like (for the so-called chrysalis or pupa is equivalent to an egg); then from this it is that a perfect animal comes into being, reaching the end of its development in the second change.