IPA: krˈɪsɝˈoʊbɪn
- (organic chemistry) A bitter yellow substance forming the essential constituent of Goa powder, and yielding chrysophanic acid.
Examples of "chrysarobin" in Sentences
- If the patches are few and large, chrysarobin rubber-plaster may be used.
- The cautious use of a five to twenty per cent. chrysarobin ointment is of value.
- _Pyrogallol_ is valuable, and is employed in the same manner and strength as chrysarobin.
- On the same general plan and with the same remedies (excepting chrysarobin) as in ringworm of the scalp.
- Andira araroba, is the source of a fungicide (chrysarobin) used to treat skin diseases (Allen and Allen 1981).
- Ichthyol internally, and external applications of the same drug, and of resorcin, chrysarobin, and pyrogallic acid, have been extolled.
- It may also be employed in chloroform, a drachm to the ounce; this is painted on, the chloroform evaporating, leaving a thin film of chrysarobin; over this is painted flexible collodion.
- Rumicin is the active principle of the Yellow Curled Dock; and from the root, containing chrysarobin, a dried extract is prepared officinally, of which from one to four grains may be given for a dose in a pill.
- Blue hair is seen in workers in cobalt mines and indigo works; green hair in copper smelters; deep red-brown hair in handlers of crude anilin; and the hair is dyed a purplish-brown whenever chrysarobin applications used on a scalp come in contact with an alkali, as when washed with soap.