IPA: tʃˈufʌ
- Cyperus esculentus, a species of sedge native to warm temperate to subtropical regions of the Northern Hemisphere having small edible tubers (tiger nuts).
Examples of "chufa" in Sentences
- I would add chufa to the list deer and turkey love them
- Till the ground well and broadcast 30 to 50 pounds of chufa seed per acre.
- Though some chufa may regenerate, replanting it annually will ensure a full crop.
- Just overlook a food source ie bean fields chufa patches and greenfields, turnips.
- The Spanish make the sweet drink horchata de chufa from dried tiger nuts by soaking them in water, grinding and resoaking, straining, and adding sugar.
- Orgeat also became the Spanish word horchata, which gradually evolved from a barley drink to a drink made with either rice or the chufa or tiger “nut” p.
- Chinese Water Chestnut and Tiger Nut The Chinese water chestnut and the tiger nut, or chufa, are both members of the sedge family, a group of water grasses that includes papyrus.
- One Friday afternoon, en route to the medieval rectory that served as the family's country home, Javier suddenly veered sharply right upon hearing I'd never had horchata de chufa , a sweet milk made from tiger nuts.