
IPA: tʃˈʌŋk


  • A part of something that has been separated.
  • A representative portion of a substance, often large and irregular.
  • (linguistics, education) A sequence of two or more words that occur in language with high frequency but are not idiomatic; a bundle or cluster.
  • (computing) A discrete segment of a file, stream, etc. (especially one that represents audiovisual media); a block.
  • (comedy) A segment of a comedian's performance.


  • (transitive) To break into large pieces or chunks.
  • (transitive) To break down (language, etc.) into conceptual pieces of manageable size.
  • (transitive, slang, chiefly Southern US) To throw.
  • (transitive, video games) Deal a substantial amount of damage to an opponent.

Examples of "chunk" in Sentences

  • A significant chunk is for comments critical of officiating.
  • If the chunk is short and large the person will be short and fat, etc.
  • Also, the remaining chunk is on the beach, not in the forest as these two pics clearly are.
  • Rich chunk is slamming materialistic science, ie scientism and the materialistic scientists.
  • Even if the 50,000-word chunk is good, it requires polishing and editing before it can be marketed.
  • His biggest fish (right) was an 8-pounder that inhaled a 3/8-ounce tungsten jig tipped with twin chunk trailers.
  • As it grew weaker and I felt that it would be possible to pull it toward me, one of the fish made a sudden dash and bit a huge chunk from the captive's tail.
  • The rules will require that a greater portion of the payouts take the form of stock rather than cash and that a large chunk is deferred several years rather than paid immediately.
  • As someone who spends a healthy if that's the word chunk of most weekends catching up on Friday night TV, here are some very strong arguments for even the most cabin-feverish among us to stay in this Friday night.
  • Which is not to say that the main chunk of "The Atrocity Archives" is bad, far from it - there are some memorably creepy moments, such as the death of Fred from the accounts department and the exploration of a frozen parallel Earth - it's just that the Hugo voters got it right, as they sometimes do.

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