IPA: tʃɪɫˈɪfɝʌs
- That bears or transmits chyle.
Examples of "chyliferous" in Sentences
- We men have _chyliferous_ vessels which draw up chyle from the intestines and throw it within
- No chyliferous vessels have been found in crustaceans, whence one may conclude that the chyle leaves the intestine by oozing from it, just as it does in insects.
- In short the _chyle, _ when it comes out of the chyliferous vessels, is already much more like blood than when it entered them, and yet one cannot account for the change.
- This is one kind of chronic diabetes, and may be distinguished from the others by the taste and appearance of the urine; which is sweet, and the colour of whey, and may be termed the chyliferous diabetes.
- Now, the _chyliferous vessels_ we have been speaking of insinuate themselves into all the plaits and folds alluded to, and thus they reach at last the very centre of the _chymous_ paste, and not a single drop of _chyle_ can escape them.
- But in the coarse earth with which he fills himself I can already see the delicate chyme which his numerous servants will prepare for him later on, and into which the heart-tree will one day send down its roots -- the chyliferous vessels.
- The chyliferous vessels derive a very great proportion of reparative materials; there is found but little excrementitious residue, the blood is enriched and its course accelerated, while the impulsive force of the heart and arteries is strong and more lively.
- The lymphatic vessels of the small intestine receive the special designation of lacteals or chyliferous vessels; they differ in no respect from the lymphatic vessels generally excepting that during the process of digestion they contain a milk-white fluid, the chyle.
- The subterranean watercourse, of which I hope we have talked long enough, is _the small intestine, _ in which the _chyle_ collects; and the tubes which run into it are, of course, the _chyliferous vessels, _ the only channels by which anything reaches the heart which has not previously gone out from it.
- There is another kind of diarrhoea, which has been called cæliaca; in this disease the chyle, drank up by the lacteals of the small intestines, is probably poured into the large intestines, by the retrograde motions of their lacteals: as in the chyliferous diabetes, the chyle is poured into the bladder, by the retrograde motions of the urinary branch of absorbents.
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