IPA: sɪgɝˈɪɫoʊ
- A thin cigar, differing from a cigarette in being wrapped with tobacco leaves rather than paper.
Examples of "cigarillo" in Sentences
- Shirley stubbed her cigarillo out on a dead chunk of honeycomb.
- I found the cigarillo in the sand, tossed near a patch of beach plums.
- There was another cigarillo in the sand, this time tossed near the lifeguard's chair.
- Time you went home and me to my cottage, he said and flicked his cigarillo out on the sand.
- I must have dozed off in the sun after finishing my second cigarillo, otherwise I'm sure I would have noticed the commotion.
- Still, Ms. Burden said that she prefers the more feminine cigarillo, and is hoping that Mr. Paley will add one to his La Palina line.
- Al-Manar holds a special symbolic place in the resistance, Kassir said, pulling at a cigarillo and fidgeting with the ash while he spoke.
- When I didn't answer, "Thirteen," he said again in his superfly-slick platform accent, and I could hear him take a long drag from his cigarillo.
- Left to right: Mum, with Ritmeester cigarillo; Nick, somewhat subdued; an unidentified young female person wearing the oversized spectacles (Amanda insists that this widget is not her); Simon “Soprano”; Joey, and Uncle Colin, wearing the traditional headgear of an Australian legal practitioner.