IPA: sˈɪɫieɪtɪd
- Having cilia.
- Endowed with vibratory motion.
Examples of "ciliated" in Sentences
- SEM images of epithelial fields before B and after C regression of ciliated appendage.
- This membrane is ciliated, that is, it is studded with tiny hairlike projections, extending into the air passages.
- Free-swimming echinopluteus sea urchin (Echinocardium cordatum) larva feeds on microplankton captured with its ciliated arms.
- We now know that the mobile spermatozoa are nothing but simple and real cells, of the kind that we call "ciliated" (equipped with lashes, or cilia).
- If they have many short threads projecting, they are called ciliated; if only one long, whip-shaped process (or, more rarely, two or four), caudate (tailed) cells.
- This epithelium of the villi has the outer border curiously striated, and this is usually spoken of as leading towards "ciliated" epithelium, to be described immediately.
- The animal gleans the bacteria from the water with a special ciliated epithelium and secreted mucus that seems to be just the right flavor for Vibrio, and the bacteria migrate deep into the light-emitting organ.
- In a pioneering experiment, they demonstrated that telomere DNA from one organism, a unicellular ciliated protozoan called Tetrahymena thermophila, would protect and stabilise chromosomes in an entirely different organism, yeast.
- Pick any eukaryotic species (say, the ciliated protozoan Tetrahymena thermophila) — one cannot be certain that a member of that species shares common ancestry, from a discrete cell, with a member of any other eukaryotic species (say, Drosophila melanogaster).
- It is clear from careful experimental work with all ciliated cells that have been examined, from alga to mice, that a functioning cilium requires a working IFT. 12 The problem of the origin of the cilium is now intimately connected to the problem of the origin of IFT.
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