
IPA: sˈɪndɝ


  • Partially or mostly burnt material that results from incomplete combustion of coal or wood etc.
  • An ember.
  • Slag from a metal furnace.
  • (dated, colloquial) Any strong stimulant added to tea, soda water, etc.
  • A river in Alaska.
  • A female given name


  • (transitive) To reduce to cinders.
  • (transitive) To cover with cinders.

Examples of "cinder" in Sentences

  • The case, a classic of SHC, has long been known as the "cinder woman" mystery.
  • It says that the best way to remove a cinder from your eye is to place under your eyelid the eyeball of a lobster.
  • The commandments are featured on 81/2-by-11 pieces of paper in six schools, generally hung on white cinder block near main entrances and hallways.
  • -- Lead, or any other metal except gold or silver, is calcined in the air; the metal loses its characteristic properties, and is changed into a powdery substance, a kind of cinder or calx.
  • "By this simple process," said he, "all the earthy particles are pressed out and the iron becomes at once free from dross, and what is usually called cinder, and is compressed into a fibrous and tough state."
  • When she had done her work she used to go into the chimney-corner and sit down among cinders and ashes, which made her commonly be called a cinder maid; but the youngest, who was not so rude and uncivil as the eldest, called her Cinderella.
  • To remedy this inconvenience, they make use of another material which they call cinder, it being nothing else but the refuse of the ore after the melting hath been extracted, which, being melted with the other in due quantity, gives it that excellent temper of toughness for which this iron is preferred before any other that is brought from foreign parts.
  • To remedy this inconvenience, they make use of another material, which they call cinder, it being nothing else but the refuse of the ore, after the melting hath been extracted, which, being melted with the other in due quantity, gives it that excellent temper of toughness for which this iron is preferred before any other that is brought from foreign parts.

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