IPA: sɝkˈeɪdiʌn
- (biology) Of, relating to, or showing rhythmic behaviour with a period of 24 hours; especially of a biological process.
Examples of "circadian" in Sentences
- The term circadian rhythms refers to biological cycles that repeat about every twenty-four hours.
- There is also the change in circadian rythmns, as I go from being a gainfully employed American to a retired one.
- So I think clearly what we call circadian rhythms, these oscillating clocks within the body, within cells in the body, clearly exist.
- Negative consequencesTeenager's biological rhythms - often referred to as their circadian rhythms - favor later bedtimes and later wake-up times.
- "Circadian rhythms are the outward manifestation of an internal timing system which is driven by several genetic elements, what we call circadian clock genes."
- Your body's clock, or body clock, is the time-keeping system inside you that controls your natural 24-hour sleep and wake cycle also known as your circadian rhythms.
- It is called a circadian rhythm and if it is out of sync you get that feeling of being "so tired but I can't sleep" or you fall asleep at 6 p.m. on the couch, wake at 2 a.m. and wonder what happened.
- Sleep patterns in children and adults follow what is known as the circadian rhythm, which determines how easily we fall asleep, stay asleep, wake up in the morning and maintain a level of alertness during the day.
- The word circadian is derived from the Latin circa diem or about a day and refers to the mysterious twenty-four-hour rhythms which control all brain outputs-behavioral, autonomic or neuro-endocrine-of all animals or humans who live on Earth with its twenty-four-hour alternation of light and darkness.
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